Ballet Company of Nizhniy Novgorod State Academic Theatre

The theatre opened in 1935. largely financed by M. Gorky and F. Chaliapin, and was called the Gorkovskiy Opera and Ballet Theatre named after A. Pushkin. In 1990 it was renamed the Nizhniy Novgorod State Academic Theatre. The ballet company was created in 1935 and a choreographic school was established in 1993. The Nizhniy Novgorod State Academic Theatre now specializes in classical ballet and opera.

Tchaikovsky Ballet

The theatre was constructed in 1874-1879 under the direction of R. Karvovskiy. On August, 20th, 1921 the theatre reopened with its first theatrical season following the civil war. The theatre building underwent complete reconstruction 1957-1959 and in 1965 the name of P. Tchaikovsky The title ….

Russian National Ballet

The Russian National Ballet was founded in 1989 as the Moscow Festival Ballet by two former stars of the Bolshoi Ballet, the legendary Maris Liepa and Sergei Radchenko. It was the first independent (non-goverment) ballet company to be formed in Russia and quickly gained international recognition. It was renamed the Russian National Ballet in January 1998 and is currently under the direction of Sergei and Elena Radchenko.

St. Petersburg Ballet Theatre

The company was founded by Peter Gusev in 1966. In 1969 the famous Russian choreographer Leonid Jacobson was appointed Artistic Director and the original name of the company was changed to “Choreographic Miniatures” which is the title of one of his productions. After Jacobson died in 1976 he was succeeded by his friend and favorite dancer Askold Makarov. Since May 2001 the Artistic Director of the comany has been Yuri Petukhov, a former principal of the Mikhailovskiy Ballet.